Hi, my name is Gleb Baranov.

I am a Full-Stack Web Developer.

My Web Application Portfolio

Simple Web App


A small web application with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that loads Pokemon's data from an external API and enables the viewing of data points in detail. This site was built using Github Pages and can be viewed here: Pokedex. The purpose of this app is to showcase an ability to create a solid JavaScript app architecture and to demonstrate skills in testing and debugging code.

Technologies used include:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Bootstrap 5.2
Screenshot of the Pokedex app.

Server Side API


MyFlix web application provides users with access to information about movies, directors, and genres. Users can sign up, update their personal information, and create a list of their favorite movies. The server-side component of MyFlix is a REST API built to showcase skills in creating solid API architectures. New release of this API responsible for frontend is deployed on AWS opposing previous run on Heroku. API documentation is available at Github.

Technologies used include:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB
Screenshot of the myFlix API documentation.

Client Side Component


MyFlix client-side component is a single-page, responsive app built with React and Redux for state management. The app features routing, rich interactions, and a polished user experience. It supports existing server-side component by facilitating user requests and rendering the response from the server-side via a number of different interface views. Code is available at Github. Live demo can be accessed as well.

Technologies used include:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Redux Toolkit
Screenshot of the myFlix Application.

Progressive Web App


PWA is a serverless, progressive web application built with React and developed using a test-driven development (TDD) technique. The app uses the Google Calendar API and AWS Lambda for authorization server instead of using a traditional server to fetch upcoming full-stack meetup events. Code is available at Github. Live demo can be accessed as well.

Technologies used include:

  • React
  • Oauth2
  • PWA
  • AWS Lambda
  • Jest
  • Puppeteer
  • Recharts
Screenshot of the Meet application.

React Native App

Chat App

Chat App is a JavaScript app built with React NativeThe app offers various features, including message exchange, image sharing, and location sharing. Code is available at Github

Technologies used include:

  • React Native
  • Expo
  • Google Firebase
  • React Native Gifted Chat
Chat App demo image.

Angular App


MyFlix Movie service client-side component built with Angular. The app features routing, rich interactions, and a polished user experience. It supports existing API built with node.js and deployed to AWS as docker image. Code is available at Github. Live demo can be accessed as well.

Technologies used include:

  • Angular
  • AWS Lambda
  • Docker
  • TypeScript
Angular demo image.

Database creation with Python

Recipe App

Using Python to create a database for the recipe app. Comming soon ...

Technologies used include:

  • Python
Temporary placeholder image.

Python Web Application

Recipe App

Create models, views, and templates for the recipe app with Django’s MVT architecture. Manage different functionalities of the application with Django admin panel. Use Django’s authentication feature to provide authentication. Data analysis and visualization with QuerySet API and Python’s matplotlib library. Comming soon ...

Technologies used include:

  • Python
  • Django
Temporary placeholder image.